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Bhattedanda, Lalitpur
This is one of the water testimonies of which we do not have a full transcript. It is the interviewer’s edited version of the testimony and does not include any questions top the narrator.
The narrator’s village lies in an area prone to landslides. Following a landslide close to the village, “we appealed to the Bagmatic Watershed Project to do something about it.” The project supported them to plant trees on risky areas and terrace some of their land; this helped to control the erosion. Later the project assisted them in constructing ponds to contain floodwater and in paving their trails and tracks.
As well as containing flood water they have found the ponds to be useful for watering their cattle and irrigating their vegetable gardens. “If we compare our situation before and after construction of the pond and the terracing of land, there is a marked improvement in our income and living conditions.”
He goes on to describe in detail the benefits of terracing and the other development initiatives in the village started up by Bagamati Watershed Project. He compares his standard of living with that of his father’s.
He acknowledges that the villagers were responsible for the landslide: “I suppose it was our own lack of knowledge.” He know encourages others to terrace their land, build ponds and plant trees. Himself, he has “planted 125 lapsi trees. They will help control landslides and add to my income.”
detailed breakdown
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Section 1 |
With the help of the Bagmati Watershed Project, they planted trees to prevent erosion in risky areas. The project also provided 50% of construction costs of building terraces.
“In the past, we had not given much thought to the level and speed of floods. The landslide occurred because floodwater from the upper village had no other outlet and passed through here.” Chief of the Bagmati Watershed Project told them the simple way of controlling the slide. “He built a pond to control the floodwater and constructed drains to divert floodwater...”
Section 2 |
Paving their trails and paths has also saved them from further erosion during floods.
Other advantages of the pond besides flood control.
Terracing helps fields retain moisture and thus increases yields, as well as control erosion.
Ponds lost their value when water came to everyone’s house (tap system).
Other initiatives through the Bagmati Watershed Project
Improvement in living standards compared to his father’s
Section 3 |
Marketing of village produce
Now have forest cover, and do not “fear the landslide anymore. When I compare the situation then and now, I feel totally secure”.
Now he encourages others to “construct terraces, build ponds and plant trees”.
Multiple benefits of fruit trees they have planted
They “set up a biogas plant six years ago. We would otherwise have needed more firewood”. |